
Quiter Metall- und Armaturenwerk GmbH
Ennert 11
D-57489 Drolshagen

Phone: +49 (0)2761 9764-3
Fax: +49 (0)2761 9764-59

Court of jurisdiction: Siegen, HRB 6759
Place of business: Siegen
USt-IdNr. DE 126182918

Authorized representatives:
Reinhold Quiter, Executive Director
Rolf Quiter, Acting partner

Responsible for the content:
Quiter Metall- und Armaturenwerk GmbH
Ennert 11
D-57489 Drolshagen

Liability for external links:
All the contents of this website have been carefully researched. The content of external pages linked from this site or linking to this site is beyond the control of Quiter Metall- und Armaturenwerk GmbH. For this reason, Quiter Metall- und Armaturenwerk GmbH accepts no liability for the content of such linked pages and does not endorse any such content. Quiter Metall- und Armaturenwerk GmbH does not guarantee the accuracy of such content.

All rights reserved. All content provided here is for personal information only. Any copying or publication is strictly prohibited, unless expressly stated otherwise.

Drolshagen, 01.01.2012.

Design and implementation:
Get the Point GmbH